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Many of the things which cause stress in our daily lives are things which are not really important to us. Imagine how your life might be different if you only had to focus on the things which mattered and added joy and happiness to your life.
"Simplify your life, take back control and enjoy the life you really want."
You live a busy life which is lacking in the joy and happiness you crave.
When you implement the strategies in this book, you will experience the following benefits:
Greater Social Confidence
Spending more time on activities that matter and removing toxic people will rapidly increase your confidence.
Zest for Life
When you scale back, you focus only what matters, meaning that your enthusiasm and motivation increase.
Improved Performance
You have more time for the activities which matter which leads to better outcomes.
Increased Happiness
It is a simple equation - more time spent on what you enjoy automatically leads to increased happiness.
Better Decisions
Increased confidence and composure due to a more simple life automatically leads to better decisions.
Increased Influence
The fewer things you work on, the more of an expert you become which leads to an increase in your influence.
Career Success
Generalists don't tend to advance as quickly as those with an expertise. Scaling back enhances expertise.
Open More Doors
Scaling Back creates more opportunites because you give the things that matter more attention and effort.
An Inspiration
When others see how your life improves by scaling back, they will want to follow your example.
You don't have to sit in silence and accept things as they are. You can choose to simplify and improve your life today.
How to declutter your life. Many of the things which are causing stress in your life do not need to be in your life. When you declutter properly, you remove the unimportant so that you are only left with those things that matter.
How to create stronger relationships. You will learn to remove the toxic people in your life; leading to stronger, happier and more rewarding relationships with the people whom you truly care about.
How to take control of your own happiness. Most of us fail to spend any significant time thinking about what really makes us happy. Scaling back encourages you to identify and dedicate your time to things which bring you joy and happiness.
"When I read Carthage's writing, it really hits the spot. It is as if he has written the book specifically for me."
Louise Donaldson, Cardiff, Wales
"I used to surround myself with a social circle whom were not supportive of me. They mocked and ridiculed me. I kept them in my life because they had always been there.
That has now changed and I am feeling more confident and carefree."
Joan Redmond, Scotland
Scaling Back Resource Cheat Sheet
Scaling Back Checklist
The 'Scaling Back' Checklist covers all the main points from the book enabling quick revision.
The 'Scaling Back' Resource Cheat Sheet will introduce you to a broad range of valuable resources which will enable you to discover more about the topic and increase your learning.
I am so confident that you will love 'Scaling Back' that I am offering you an unconditional 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you do not like 'Scaling Back', for any reason, just email me within 30 days and I will refund your investment. No questions asked.
"My family has always been the most important thing to me but if you had seen the way I spent my time, you never would have guessed that. Thankfully, I now have my priorities back in order."
Kate McCain, California
"I have always had a pretty good life but I could never accept that. I would focus on all the things that I didn't have and that would make me feel miserable.
I still strive to improve my life but I do so from a position of gratitude. I am grateful for the many blessings and I accept that I am trying to improve on something which I already love."
Michael Maloney, Sydney. Australia
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Take charge of your life and increase your happiness and personal fulfillment today.
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