Problem-solving is a critical skill which you use each and every day. Your ability to overcome the problems you face is directly related to the level of success which you will experience in life. Most people find it easy to deal with the small problems which they face on a daily basis; however, as the size of the problem increases, you may find it increasingly difficult to resolve the problem. That’s why having well practiced problem-solving skills helps you to get more joy and success from life. The smaller problems, which you face on a daily basis, offer you the perfect opportunity to practise your problem-solving skills. However, before you jump into problem-solving mode, there are some important questions which you need to ask yourself.
Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting
Solving a problem effectively requires a clear goal. You must set effective goals which challenge and inspire you to take the consistent action.
For more great advice to set and pursue great goals, check out 'Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting'.
4 Important questions for problem-solving
Before you rush into problem-solving mode, take the time to ask yourself the following 4 questions. Answering these questions will make your problem-solving a great deal easier.
1. Can this problem be solved?
There are some problems which you will encounter in life that cannot be solved. It may be due to the problem being caused by others or due to freak weather events, etc. When you find that the problem is not one which you can resolve successfully; rather than banging your head against the wall, you can determine the appropriate response to the situation.
2. How many problems am I encountering here?
There are many situations where what seems like one problem is actually a number of problems bundled together. When you are trying to solve more than one problem at any given time, you are making things far more difficult than they need to be. Instead, take the time to identify each individual problem that you are facing. Tackle one problem at a time and then move onto the next.
Pursuing Excellence
Effective problem-solving is part of the excellence lifestyle. You can learn more about the excellence lifestye, with my FREE Pursuing Excellence Report.
3. Who needs to change for the problem to be solved?
You cannot control other people. You cannot make them do things that they do not want to do. One of the fundamentals of problem-solving is that you focus on what you can control. If you are required to change in order for the problem to be solved, that is within your control and your chances of success are high. If you require others to change then your chances of successful problem-solving are greatly reduced as they do not have to change for you.
Where others refuse to change, it is best to accept this and find an appropriate way to manage the situation.
4. What would happen if I did nothing?
Rather than rush into problem-solving, you could attempt to determine what would happen if you took no action whatsoever. Sometimes, a problem is only temporary in nature. It can pass as quick as it arrived. If you attempt to tackle the problem, you can actually make it worse. Before you begin your problem-solving, pause for a moment and determine whether action is actually necessary.
Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting
Solving a problem effectively requires a clear goal. You must set effective goals which challenge and inspire you to take the consistent action.
For more great advice to set and pursue great goals, check out 'Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting'.
Problem-solving is one of the most fundamental life skills. Every day, you encounter problems of all shapes and sizes. When you have the skills to solve these problems successfully, you can progress through life much quicker. When you face a problem, it can be tempting to jump straight into problem-solving mode but you will be far more successful if you take a moment to assess the problem first. Asking yourself the 4 questions, above, will help you to identify the best course of action to make your problem-solving efforts a success. Next time you find yourself in a pickle, ask yourself these 4 questions.
Image credit: Geoffrey Whiteway