Positive thinking and optimism are often spoken about. Some people would have you think that all you need to do in life is think positively and you will automatically succeed at everything. Others see positive thinking as wishy-washy nonsense which is totally unrealistic. I am someone who does firmly believe in the importance of positive thinking but I certainly don’t think that positive thinking alone will get you everything you want from life. At the end of the day, you can think all you want but you still have to get up off your backside and take the necessary action to complete the projects and tasks which will allow you to achieve your goals.

Zig Ziglar said it best when he said:

‘Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.’

Positive thinking does not guarantee your success but it certainly does increase your chances of success by giving you the correct frame of mind.

Negative thinking can be a self-esteem issue. I have created a FREE Checklist covering the Do's and Don'ts of Self-Esteem.

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Key benefits of positive thinking

There are many reasons why positive thinking will increase your chances of success but the following are some of the most important.

1. You see all the options

It has been shown time and time again that when you are thinking negatively, you become overwhelmed and you fail to see all the options before you. Positive thinking allows you to see that, no matter what situation arises; you will be able to see all the options available to you.

Positive thinking helps you to stay calm, composed and confident under pressure which then allows you to examine the situation more objectively and; consider all possible options. As you realise that there are several options available to you, you are far more likely to find a solution which will work for you.

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will - Zig Ziglar.

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2. You believe you can make a difference

As Henry Ford said

‘Whether you believe that you can or you can’t; you are right.’

When you think positively, you always believe that you can solve the problems you face. That does not mean that it will be easy; nor that you think it will be easy but when you think you can solve a problem; you have already taken an important step towards solving it.

3. You build better relationships

Whatever your goals and objectives are, you are not going to achieve them alone. Somewhere along the way, you will need the help of others. The bigger the goal, the more help you are going to need. So, you need the ability to build relationships which will help you achieve more than you could alone.

People are drawn more towards positive people. You don’t have to be unrealistic but a more positive, optimistic outlook on life will help you build better, more rewarding relationships.

Also, when you demonstrate your confidence that you can achieve greater things, others are more likely to believe you and; support you.

Negative thinking can be a self-esteem issue. I have created a FREE Checklist covering the Do's and Don'ts of Self-Esteem.

Get Your FREE Copy Here

4. You persevere

Problems and setbacks happen in life. Sometimes, it can take more than one attempt to solve a problem. Often the biggest difference between those who overcome their problems and those who don’t is the ability to keep going until the problem has been overcome. This means that you must try and try again.

And, when you are struggling to overcome a problem, what is it that encourages you to try again? The belief that you can overcome the problem i.e. positive thinking!

If you are overcome by negative thinking, you may need to work on your self-esteem. You will find great help in Unlock Your Self-Esteem.


Positive thinking is often presented as the silver bullet; the only thing you need to be a success. That’s simply not true. Regardless of how you think, you are still going to have to take action in order to achieve your goals. What positive thinking really does for you is set you up to take those actions with a greater chance of success. The very belief that you can succeed can be the small difference between success and failure. As Ziglar said, ‘Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.’


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